Monday 10 February 2014

What to Do When Your Boss Steals Credit for Your Work

What do I say to a boss who consistently steals credit for my work on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis? If a question comes from a client and she doesn’t know the answer (which is often the case), she asks me to help her out. She then turns around and delivers my advice to the client as her own. She strenuously objects if I suggest that we call the client together—even more so if I contact the client—all in the name of “teamwork” of course.
She also secures all of my suggestions for improvement of company processes and procedures and presents them to upper management as her own. I know all about “documenting” but I don’t feel like I should have to do that. A good boss would freely give credit where credit is due, as I myself have consistently done throughout my career. By the way, the “clients” are all internal. I have been with the company for over ten years and she has been with the company for less than a year.


Dear Anurag,
I’m sorry, but I’m totally identifying with your boss on this one. While it’s my name on this column, our editors, Riya and Kalpana, contribute to it in many important ways. In fact, as I think about it, I wonder whether you work here at VitalSmarts. Are you a member of my research team? I’m sure they share some of your feelings.

Seriously though, your situation sounds very frustrating. I agree that credit should be shared. So, what can you do? I’ll ask you to forgive me in advance, because my suggestions may not sound like “fixes.” I don’t think you should pick a fight with your manager. In my experience, you’d lose in the long-term—even if you seemed to win in the moment. Instead, my recommendations will focus on actions that are safe and within your control. That’s the good news. The bad news is that I will ask you to change—perhaps even more than your manager.

Read continue the Full Blog on What to Do When Your Boss Steals Credit for Your Work

Wednesday 22 January 2014

How to be a Friendly Boss and effective Leader

Question: Dear VitalSmarts India,
I’ve been told that one cannot be an effective boss by being a friend to those one supervises. I have some serious concerns about this as I feel that being a friend at work is a good way to gain employee confidence and performance.

I’m concerned about where to draw the line between being a friend and being a boss, and how to set the proper environment where friendship is allowed and being a boss is respected. How can I be both an effective boss and also a friend to my employees?
Subodh Mehra
 Answers: Dear Subodh,
The challenge you’ve presented is the perfect example of a Fool’s Choice. What we mean by this is that we can only see two options that seem diametrically opposed. We don’t see it as a false dichotomy, but as an unfortunate reality. We found these Fool’s Choices to be ubiquitous when doing our research for Crucial Conversations. For example, we commonly heard people say things like, “I can speak up and be mean, or............................

Monday 6 January 2014

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Re-blogged from VitalSmarts India

I feel terribly when speaking at a public place, whether in front of family members or colleagues, or in team conferences. Although I actually have talking points, I struggle to share my thoughts. This is creating problems in my career as well as in my social life. Are you able to share some tips for overcoming my fear of public speaking?

You are certainly not alone regarding this fear—in fact, it ranks as many people’s number one fear.
This little bit of humor doesn’t downplay the seriousness of people’s fear to talk publicly. As I address this issue with some recommendation, I take confidence in the conclusion we tend to uncovered when researching our book, Change Anything — people can and do change all the time. I’ll additionally share a number of the principles and techniques from that analysis as well as my own personal experience.

Read Full Blog Here..........How To Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking